Chambers Brazil Guide Launch: Contentious 2022
About Chambers Brazil Guide Launch: Contentious 2022
During this session, LuÃs Bulcão Pinheiro, Head of Brazil Research will be joined by Research Manager Ana Elisa Brandt and Research Analysts Marianna Dapieve, Mateus Monteiro and Henry Smith to discuss some key aspects of the guide.
In the webinar, we will present:
• Statistics on Contentious areas 2022
• Diversity & Inclusion Numbers
• Overview of covered areas
• New ranking divisions
Please note, this session will be held in Portuguese.
Event Details:

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Luís Bulcão Pinheiro - Head of Brazil Research, Chambers and Partners
Luís is a journalist with six years experience covering the Brazilian legal market for UK organisations, including Chambers and Partners. He also wrote for several top Brazilian media organisations and, before settling in the UK, he covered news from Rio de Janeiro for outlets like G1 and Veja.com. Luís holds an MA in International Relations from the University of East Anglia, an MBA from FGV-RJ and a bachelor degree in Social Communication-Journalism from UFRGS. Luís is a member of the Chevening Alumni community.
Ana Brandt - Research Manager, Chambers and Partners
Ana Elisa is a Research Manager in the Brazil team. Prior to joining Chambers, she worked as alawyer at law firmsin Brazil and was part of the organisation committee of the Brazil Forum UK in London. She holds an LLM in Human Rights Law from University College London (UCL) and a Law degree fromUniversidade de Brasília - UNB. Anaalso volunteered in the legal department of the NGO Liter of Light, is passionate about social impact and is a Social Mobility Ambassador within the INSPIRE Committee at Chambers.
Henry Smith - Research Analyst, Chambers and Partners
As a qualified lawyer in Brazil, Henry practiced for five years in the areas of civil litigation and family law in the city of São Paulo. He moved to the Hague in the Netherlands in 2020, where he began working as Research Associate for Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG), a global pro-bono law firm. At PILPG Henry also took up the role of writer and editor for the Lawyering Justice Blog. Henry has a Bachelor of Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, a Specialization in International Relations from Fundação Getulio Vargas, and an LL.M. in Public International Law from Leiden University.
Marianna Porto Dapieve - Research Analyst, Chambers and Partner
Marianna recently joined the Chambers Brazil team as a Research Analyst. She has previously worked as an intern at Technip Inc., LOB-SVMFA Law Firm and the Public Defender’s Office in Brazil. Marianna graduated with a Law Degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), and an MSc in Gender, Policy and Inequalities at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), in both of which she participated in multiple academic projects. Marianna speaks Portuguese, English, French and Italian. Additionally, she is a member of the Brazilian Bar Association.
Mateus Monteiro - Research Analyst, Chambers and Partners
Mateus has worked as a lawyer in Brazil for CASAA law firm and for AES Eletropaulo (electric power distribution company), both in the Tax and Intellectual Property departments. He has also worked as a theatre practitioner as an actor, theatre director and drama teacher. He obtained his Law Degree from Catholic University of Santos followed by a postgraduation in Taxation Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. He also holds an MA in Education, Art and History of Culture from Mackenzie Presbyterian University and an MA in Theatre Directing from East 15 Acting School. Besides Portuguese and English, he speaks Spanish and French (intermediate level).

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